Faith: The Jonah complex

Have you ever heard of the �Jonah Complex� described by the research psychologist Abraham Maslow? Yep, those are the individuals who quit on life because they are too afraid of their own greatness. The writer writes, �Why do people run away from greatness & self-fulfillment?� (Jesse & Gregory Feist, Theories of Personality). Like Robert Frost in his poem of �The Road Not Taken,�(paraphrase) two roads diverged in the yellow woods of life; one leads to �much more,� while the other settles in mediocrity. Yet, the traveler decides on the one less traveled by. The mediocre is familiar, reasonable, logical & easy. But the path of much more is the exact opposite. Nothing on it is familiar, reasonable, logical or easy. God tells the Prophet Jonah to go to the great city Nineveh to warn them of an impending judgment in regards to their wickedness. But in disobedience, he boards a ship to Tarshish, going the opposite direction (see Jonah 1:1-3). Yet, God interrupt his agenda by sending a great wind to complicate his conquest. It is my prayer that God would send a storm to interrupt & cancel out your mediocre agendas, which limits & shut down God�s assignment on your life. Because you see had Jonah not repented & preached to the people of Nineveh, they would have been totally annihilated. The assignment of greatness that Papa God has delegated to you would translate myriad of souls from the kingdom of darkness to His marvelous kingdom of light. Many people dream of greatness, yet, they fail to muster the courage to bring it into reality. Your fear can never abort what God has set into motion. But it can hinder it from manifesting in your sphere. I plead with you; don�t become a statistic. Don�t become the next victim of the system, just getting by. Get out of the rat race; stop conforming to the status quo. Strap yourself in & boldly go where none has ever gone before. Don�t just exist, make your mark & dissolve the Jonah complex that has crippled, paralyzed, & imprisoned the greatness of God in you. Get off the ship of disobedience & delve deep into the sea of grace; the Lord has prepared your very own �great fish� to incubate & shelter you as you journey to take dominion over territories of oppression. live life without limits!