NUHEM appeals to doctors to end their strike

The National Union of Harbour Employees � Ghana (NUHEM), has added its voice to the appeals by majority of Ghanaians to doctors and pharmacists to end their strike. The Union�s appeal is contained in a May Day statement and signed by its General Secretary, Mr J.J. Jebuni. �Listen to the pleas for the sake of the down trodden and the poor citizens of their only country and resume work,� the Union said. The Union saluted the gallant and hard working workers of this country for holding aloft the flag of Ghana in the face of mounting challenges and the harsh economic realities of the times. It also extended its solidarity to the International Dock Workers Council, an organisation with headquarters in Spain for accepting and admitting NUHEM as its newest affiliate. The statement said, while urging the labour department to instill law and order onto the labour front, NUHEM also wish to caution employers not to pretend to be champions and defenders of human rights and at the same time violate and paid lip-service to workers rights.