TD Jakes Tells His Congregation, �You Don�t Need Iyanla To Fix your Life�

Just reading the title of this article, one would assume that there�s some sort of trouble between Bishop T.D. Jakes and Iyanla Vanzant. However, that is far from the case. This �so-called controversy� started when Bishop Jakes, who is pastor of the Potter�s House in Dallas, TX, said during an altar call last Sunday, �you don�t need Iyanla to fix your life.� While speaking of the power of Jesus Christ, Bishop Jakes reminded his congregation that Jesus has the power to do what they need Him to do. After making the remarks, Bishop Jakes received a loud applause but as you can imagine, there were a few people who thought his comments were inappropriate. Bishop Jakes went on to say �salvation is free. You don�t have to labor for it. You don�t have to fix up for it. You don�t have to change yourself. You can come a wretch undone. You can come with liquor on your breath and crack in your veins. If you come with your sincere heart and lay before Him and say fix my life [He will].� It was very clear during this altar call that Bishop Jakes was pointing to a higher power (Jesus) to fix one�s personal life. Bishop Jakes didn�t pull any punches. He claimed that Oprah can�t do. Dr. Phil can�t do. Iylana can�t do. And he can�t do it. A very outspoken leader, Bishop Jakes has travelled the world preaching the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. Millions of lives have been transformed through his teachings. Yes, many people who have accepted Jesus as their Savior and follow His teachings still seek out Iyanla Vanzant for guidance and direction. What Bishop Jakes is doing is directing people to the divine power within themselves for healing and wholeness. Dr. Sinclair Grey III is a speaker, activist, published author of (4) books, life coach, and liberator of persons from all intellectual, social and cultural walks of life. He is a committed advocate for change.