Let's Start Talking Before They Start Smoking

The side effects of drugs vary depending on the type. Someone high on stimulants may experience an increase in energy that is caused by the drugs speeding up the body�s metabolism and heart rate. Since these drug increase the heart rate, an increase in blood pressure can be a related side effect. However, someone who uses depressants can feel relaxed and experience fatigue. It�s not only the type of drug that dictates possible side effects. Everyone is different, so you may not experience the same side effects as your friend does. It�s also common for side effects to vary depending on your age, weight, gender and general health. Each drug affects your body in different ways. In addition, the long-term effects of drugs are different than the short-term effects. That�s why you do not have to compare yourselves to each other, as, if your friend is smoking marijuana it also means you also can. Some people start using drugs simply to see what the drug high is like, out of curiosity, but unfortunately, this begins the drug cycle, which will automatically lead to a chemical dependency to the drug of choice. People continue to use drugs because they don�t like the way their body feels when they come down from their high, so they desire to have more. The vicious cycle continues until their body develops a tolerance to drug, which causes them to consume it in higher doses. Over time, a chemical dependency develops and thus become full blown addicts, physically and mentally dependent on the drug of choice and their body�s doesn�t function correctly without the drug again, unless a detox is performed on the addict to rid his body of the effects of the toxins in him. Drugs and alcohol is one way of not meeting and solving the problems of life. People generally do drugs because of their feelings, or impact of life�s terms on them. When people do not solve their problems, society will work less well. Drugs and alcohol can cause illnesses, which can be very expensive for society to cure, for example lung cancer caused by cigarette smoking, mental illness like psychoses or neurological illnesses. � Use of alcohol or narcotics during pregnancy will increase the likelihood of children with bad school results and, when grown up, unemployed. � The high costs of narcotics abuse can cause economic catastrophe for the addict. � The high costs often cause other criminality, which causes extensive damage. � Alcohol and drugs can make people behave in unsafe, irresponsible and aggressive ways. The trafficking and abuse of drugs affect nearly all aspects of our lives. The economic cost alone is immense. The damage caused by drug abuse and addiction is reflected in an overburdened justice system, a strained healthcare system, lost productivity, and environmental destruction, (�galamsay� as majority of these guys are addicted to drugs, Sodom and Gomorrah�s e-waste is a den of drug addicts). The consequences of illicit drug use are widespread, causing permanent physical and emotional damage to users and negatively impacting their families, coworkers, and many others with whom they have had contact. Drug use negatively impacts a user's health, often leading to sickness and disease. In many cases, users die prematurely from drug overdoses or other drug-associated illnesses (Some users are parents, whose deaths leave their children in the care of relatives or in the streets fending for themselves, as prostitutes, or criminals). Premature mortality, illness, injury leading to incapacitation, and imprisonment all serve to directly reduce national productivity. Public financial resources expended in the areas of health care and criminal justice as a result of illegal drug trafficking and use are resources that would otherwise be available for other policy initiatives. There is the need for us as a nation to start talking before most of our youth start smoking and end up as drug addicts and alcoholics on our streets.