6.7 Million Ghanaians Are Poor � Ghana Statistical Service

According to the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS), 6.7 million Ghanaians fall within the UN definition of poverty. The Ghana Living Standards Survey was conducted by the country�s statistical service in 18,000 households in 1,200 enumeration areas between 2012 to 2013. According to the United Nations, poverty is �the total absence of opportunities, accompanied by high levels of undernourishment, hunger, illiteracy, lack of education, physical and mental ailments, emotional and social instability, unhappiness, sorrow and hopelessness for the future�. �Poverty is also characterized by a chronic shortage of economic, social and political participation, relegating individuals to exclusion as social beings, preventing access to the benefits of economic and social development and thereby limiting their cultural development.� This definition fits a quarter of the population, according to the statistical service. The survey also revealed that 1 out of 12 Ghanaians are extremely poor. In a Ghana, �if that person spends all his earning on food only, it will not be sufficient to meet the 2,900 calories minimum requirement�, he is very poor, Census Director at the GSS Anthony Amuzu told Joy News. He said in currency terms, the �very poor� live on Gh�2.17 a day. The statistician acknowledged that although incomes have improved, the survey examined the expenditure pattern of respondents. �First of all, we define the food poverty line. Once this has been determined then we look at those above the food poverty line�. He said a majority of the extremely poor are found in Agriculture �Most people still engage in subsistence farming. What they get is not enough. Besides, there is no value in the things they sell. Usually they sell unprocessed food items, definitely their income levels will be low�, Amuzu continued. The survey did not ask measures respondents believe will bring them out of poverty.