Ten Reasons You Can't Be Friends When It's Over

�Let�s be friends.� It�s an easy line to drop during a break up, as it intends to ease the pain of a breaking heart. But should you be friends with your ex? Here are 10 reasons why you can�t be friends when the relationship is over: � It�s torture: You�re hanging out �as friends.� He does something that makes you smile. You suddenly want to kiss him � but can�t. Why would you put yourself through that?! � False hope: Admit it, it�s there. And if it�s not there for you, it probably is for your ex. � You can�t undo the past: If you�ve seen each other naked, you�ll have always seen each other naked. Note: Most platonic pals of opposite genders have not seen each other naked. � You don�t honestly want them to be with someone else: There�s a conflict of interest in your new �buddy-buddy� relationship, as you don�t want your ex to start dating again. Here�s the catch: Real friends want each other to be happy. � You can�t talk about your personal lives without it getting awkward: Again, real friends talk about their personal lives with each other. � Do you want to go to his wedding? No?: Then you�re not going to make a very good friend, are you? � It�s awkward for your mutual friends: They know you dated. They remember the PDA. And now they have to figure out how to treat the two of you when you show up to a party together-but-not-together. � The mixed signals: There are too many nicknames, inside jokes and memories to start fresh, so you�re likely to fall into old dating patterns even when not romantically involved. It can be confusing for one or both of you. � The odds of finding true love are slim if you�re still hanging out with your ex: What new guy/girl wants to hang out with your ex every weekend? � It�s not healthy: You�ve had your heart broken. Why not invest your time and energy in the people who make you happy, not the ones who�ve hurt you deeply? And if you broke up because of betrayal, character issues, hurtful comments or incompatible values, why are you choosing to spend time with someone you�ve already learned isn�t good for you?