15 Warning Signs That He is Just Using You

Some signs he is using you can be right out in the open, but you might not know it! If you have a feeling that he is using you, it might not be a healthy relationship to be in. Below, I’ve got the top signs he is using you for your #money, for sex or even just for a place to crash. Ladies, you deserve better than just someone using you!

1. You Pay Every Time You Go out

Even though the #guy is supposed to pay in the beginning, you constantly find yourself paying for every single thing when you two go out. Does that seem to be the case with your #relationship? That’s definitely one of the top #signs he is using you. While it’s okay to split the bill, you shouldn’t constantly be pulling your wallet out to pay all of the #time.

2. He’s Only Available when He Needs Something from You

What about his availability? Do you constantly find that he isn’t available unless he needs something from you? This is definitely a sign he is using you. After all, don’t you want a #guy that is going to be available when you need him to be? Not just when he needs you?

3. Financially Dependent on You

Not only do you pay for #everything, but he is actually financially dependent on you. He expects you to pay all of the bills that you two have, no questions asked.


He doesn’t even contribute to the monthly bills that he has racked up with you. This is a sign he is using you and you shouldn’t stand for it!

4. You Are His Convenience

Are you constantly finding yourself his convenience for a ride or for an ‘allowance’? That should never be the case when you are in a mature #relationship. #Everything should be even; you should never be someone’s ‘convenience’.

5. Emotional Blackmail

Is your boyfriend constantly blaming you for #things that go wrong in his life? Does he constantly say that it is your fault that he doesn’t have a job or any direction? This is a sign that he is using you girls, and you shouldn’t stand for it!

6. He Never Buys You Anything

Do you constantly buy him things, but he’s never, ever gotten you something back? Does he ever buy you anything? That’s a sign ladies. After all, shouldn’t your boyfriend buy you some #things sometimes?

7. He Doesn’t Need You for Anything but Things That He Needs

Does your #boyfriend not take into account your needs? Maybe it’d be nice once in a while for him to pick you up, instead of you constantly picking him up. Does he not take any of your needs into account when he makes decisions? It’s a sign girls!

8. He Never Takes Your Feelings into Consideration

Does your #boyfriend take any of your feelings into account? Does he even think about how his actions affect you? This could be a sign he is using you ladies!

9. He Only Comes Home at Night

Once you see a pattern that your partner comes home late at night, it is a sure red flag in your #relationship. Although it is typical for some #men to come back late after a night with friends, usually this as a frequent and cyclical pattern can only mean that he wants you for one thing only. And that doesn’t include anything along the lines of emotional bonding.

10. He Never Takes You out in Public

Dating, especially at its early stages, should not be done in secret unless there are extreme circumstances. Your partner should feel comfortable being seen with you, no matter the #time or day. However, if he insists on a private #relationship, you know that it will be doomed sooner or later.

11. He Never Goes through with Your Plans

If a men is interested in getting to know you, he will put in every effort in order to see you and get the #chance to talk to you. Therefore if you notice that your partner doesn’t seem to care about spending time together, his #relationship with you may be due to an ulterior motive.

12. He is Not Interested in YOU

Once you realize that your #partner has no interest in getting to you as a person and what you stand for, you know that he can’t possibly be genuine about his feelings toward you. After all if his interest doesn’t lie in you, unfortunately he might be using you for something else.

13. He Doesn’t Plan on Introducing You to Friends or Family

We all know that the next step in a serious relationship is meeting the friends and the family. However, if your #partner never comes around to it and keeps changing the subject, you know that he doesn’t see a future nor does he plan it with you. If he doesn’t take the #relationship seriously, he will have no intention of bringing you into his inner circle.

14. Your Gut is Warning You

Sometimes when your head says one thing and your heart says another, you have to listen to your gut. You might have doubts about your other half for a reason and it only makes sense to explore them to ensure the validity of those feelings. If you feel that something is not right, don’t just ignore what your gut is telling you because believe it or not, sometimes #everything is not what it seems.

15. There is No Emotional Connection

If there is no emotional connection between two people, the only reason for the existence of a relationship between them is purely based on selfish interests. Think about it, if there is no emotional and psychological link between two #people, the only thing that is anchoring them to each other are physical needs or selfish motives.

Ladies, if you see any of these #signs he is using you, it isn’t a healthy relationship.