To The Grave With Woyomegate

“Here lies the remains of one of the facilitators of the most ignominious scandals to afflict Ghana in her recent history. The tears of the many Ghanaians who continue to suffer from the facilities of state they are entitled to but have been denied as a result of his or her facilitation of the scandal will deny him or her eternal peace.

The pain those sleeping on benches in hospitals for lack of beds, the pupils making do with the shades of trees in remote villages and those unable to access education will continue to haunt them even in their graves. To dust they have returned awaiting the results of the dark deeds they committed when they held positions of trust and power when they lived. For the living and those holding similar positions, the troubled souls herein lie held when they were in the ephemeral world; may they learn from the unenviable albatrosses hanging around their names.”

Let them confess, repent and return the stolen monies where they belong if they want to avoid such unwritten words on their epithets one day when it is their turn to return to their Maker.

Those who read the usually attractive words on their epithets, the physical ones, will not be able to subdue the thought of the foregone. Not even a high court judgment can erase the real impression people have about the facilitators of such heinous iniquities against the people of Ghana when they are long gone to the hereafter.

We have overheard some facilitators and beneficiaries of the Woyomegate praying against such epithets or if you like, unwritten impressions. Unfortunately though, they have earned them already, their names standing as bywords for state financial iniquities.

It is a subject which has already been inerasably etched in the dark pages of the country’s history: for those who facilitated it, no matter the levels of their facilitation or even participation, their names are part of the smelly segments of Ghana’s financial history: they are indeed beyond footnotes.

When it is time for them to answer the call of nature, the unwritten part of their epithets will be about their part in the scandal and how these have impacted negatively on lives of especially the downtrodden, those Franz Fannon describes as “The Wretched Of The Earth” – the title of his famous literature. Ghanaians will never forgive them each time the lights go off, when their kids are driven back home from school for non-payment of fees or when the stock of food at home gets exhausted with no idea when the next meal is going to be possible. That is the cost of the scandal on Ghanaians.

It is a subject which continues to engage the thoughts of most Ghanaians, the few of them not used to the restricted world of the law wondering what could have informed the decision of the judge.

It is an infectious subject sometimes threatening to infect the impression of the judiciary in the minds of Ghanaians.