Dumsor Vigil: President Mahama Doesn�t Give Us Hope, He Makes Us Sad (VIDEO)

Leaders are expected to give hope and inspire their people in times of despair. But in the case of Ghana, one participant who attended the ‘Dumsor’ Vigil claims President Mahama, has brought sadness instead of giving us hope.

Throughout the entire period the demonstrator spoke to Peacefmonline.com, he carried on his head; a deep freezer he claims was damaged by the unreliable power supply in the country.  

He noted that if President Mahama is a “smart leader he claims he is, he should be able to solve the problem by now”.

“President Mahama and his appointees are only interested in building gas stations. They don’t mind building one at the back of the human hand, provided it is smooth. All they would do is to look for a place to store the fuel tank and proceed with the building”, he said.


VIDEO Below: