Acceptance In Marriage Is Important

Marriage can be a wonderful experience. It is one of the channels where human beings exercise their God-like nature of love and commitment to responsibilities. Successful marriages and healthy families are not wished to be but they are worked. And building the right foundation is most necessary if you want your marriage and family to stand the test of time.

However, people who have made their way out of the honeymoon phase have had a taste of reality, and can attest that marriage takes patience and work. There are times when life keeps moving couples in different directions and the marriage has to adapt.
Strong foundation

One cannot talk about building a strong foundation for a successful marriage, without making reference to issues such as commitment, shared values and interests in: children, work, travel, goals, dependability and the desire to work together, communication, trust and the relevance of acceptance in marriage.

Building your marriage and family on the Lord is the wisest thing to do if you are going to enjoy a successful marriage and a healthy family. God instituted marriage and therefore has the manual for building great ones.

Many people desire successful marriages and healthy families but they are far from seeing it because they are far from God. As you build your relationship with the Lord, you are building yourself to enjoy your marriage and a healthy family.
Acceptance in marriage

Preaching a sermon on ‘acceptance in marriage’ to climax the week-long celebration of the Women’s Week of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, at the Anointed One Congregation at Sakumono, on Sunday, on the theme, “the cost of discipleship,” the Minister in-charge, Rev. Emmanuel Adu Tetteh, underlined the importance of acceptance in marriage as a positive step to a successful marriage.

He defined acceptance as a positive response to an application or an offer, and said in making such a response, it was important to realise that human beings were different, spiritually, educationally, physically, morally and financially.

He said both the man and woman have responsibility to successful marriage, stressing that, there was the need for couples to accept the fact that they were in a relationship that had united them.

Rev. Adu-Tetteh said couples need to accept the fact that they were in partnership and need to share, and called for financial transparency, good communication skills, trust and obedience.

He said much as the scriptures enjoin wives to submit to their husbands, husbands should also love their wives as Christ loved the Church and shared His blood for the Church.

He advised husbands not to frustrate their wives or attack them physically, and advised couples to love each other, forgive one another for any offence, and also protect one another when one realises the strength and weaknesses of the other.