20 Small Things That Make Relationships Last

Grand gestures are way overrated. Sometimes it’s the small, simple things that make a huge difference in your relationship.

Here are 20 small things that relationships need to last.

Travel and discover new places together.

 Forgive immediately.

Forget and don’t keep a score.

Communicate and listen more.

Pursue your individual passions.

Set goals as a couple.

Pursue goals together.

Learn to say “thank you” to the other person.

Celebrate your victories together.

Manage your losses together.

Always be grateful for the other person in your life.

Surprise the other person with a thoughtful action.

Grow together.

Adjust and tolerate your partner.

Be supportive of your partner’s goals.

Respect your partner’s space and time.

Compliment your partner for their effort.

Don’t hesitate to speak your mind.

Always focus on the best in your partner.

Be accountable and responsible for your emotions.