Pope Francis Urges Greater Family Understanding

Pope Francis has published new guidelines on family life that argue the Church should show more understanding of modern realities.

The document, based on two Synods on the issue, was eagerly awaited by the world's 1.3bn Roman Catholics.

Entitled "On Love in the Family", it does not change Catholic doctrine.

But it opens the way for bishops in each country to interpret doctrine to suit their own culture, the BBC's religion correspondent reports.

Pope Francis urges priests to exercise careful discernment over "wounded families" and be merciful, rather than judgemental.

He criticises the individualism that has led many in the West to value their own personal satisfaction over the needs of their spouse.

While saying yes to sex education, he argues it must be within a framework of education about love.

The emphasis throughout is on better pastoral care: better preparation for couples on what marriage involves, and more understanding from parish priests and others for human frailty.