Black People Are Prone To Hypertension - Doctor

A senior health specialist at the 37 Military Hospital, Dr Joshua Amegbor has noted that black people are prone to hypertension.

He was reacting to a news item, attributed to Dr Joseph Teye Nuertey, Volta Regional Health Director, who said hypertensive and sexually transmitted cases are on the rise in the Region.

In an interview with the Ghana News Agency Dr Amegbor said hypertension is as a result of the change in lifestyle of many Ghanaians.

According to him, Ghanaians have resorted to unhealthy eating habits and lack of exercise and this could lead to diabetes and cholesterol disorders.

He added that, because black people are naturally susceptible to hypertension, these practices aggravate the condition.

"When black people practice unhealthy habits, it trigger the hypertension in them," he said.

He advised that, people should report to hospital when they begin to experience any symptoms or discomforts in their bodies since early diagnosis could help curb the disease.

He also suggested that, there should be an education programme to educate people on how to maintain healthy lifestyles and the importance of exercising.

He said it is important for Ghanaians to eat a balanced diet and more fruits and vegetables and do away with practices like smoking and excessive drinking.