Natural Ways To Keep Skin Young

Once upon a time, it was possible for people to care for their skin through eating a healthy diet alone, without using any chemical filled products. People forgot this fact as the market was flooded with pills and powders that promised quick fixes for all sorts of problems. But now, as those fads die down, people are starting to think back to when things weren�t so complicated; when there was one, simple obvious solution to the question of how to maintain a healthy, youthful-looking appearance. People are beginning to realise again that simply eating a diet consisting of healthy foods containing vitamins and other nutrients is a much better way to maintain their appearance than swallowing half a dozen pills a couple of times a day. Many nutritionists and nutrition enthusiasts will tell you that the best way to absorb the nutrients a person needs, is to ingest them from the right foods. It�s true that a healthy diet will do more for a person than any pill can. Vitamins in pill form are not absorbed easily; thus they tend to come in very high does. Some people�s digestive systems are very sensitive to these doses. Some people�s digestive systems are very sensitive to these doses, and others still don�t absorb any nutrients at all form the pills. A simple solution such as eating better and healthier helps everyone. Some benefits of a healthy diet include the following: � A reduction in the appearance of wrinkles � An increase of balanced skin moisture � Fewer stretch marks � Fewer blemishes � More elastic skin � More energy The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, because these foods are nutrient-packed. Here�s what someone can find in this naturally occurring bounty; Vitamin B - Each B vitamin has a unique skin care benefit Vitamin B1 - Fights skin damage from free radicals Vitamin B2 - Clears blemishes Vitamin B3 - promotes exfoliation and moisture retention Vitamin B5 - promotes exfoliation Vitamin B12- promotes skin cell repair Vitamin K - fixes skin damage and brightens the appearance Vitamin C - retains skin elasticity Vitamin E - heals and protects skin Vitamin A - fights against wrinkles Consume these vitamins every day from foods such as green leafy vegetables, lean meats in moderate portions, egg whites, rice, some fruits, and oatmeal. As a rule, avoid processed foods (anything that comes from a factory and includes ingredients an average person can�t pronounce); instead, shop for fresh and healthy foods. Also avoid greasy and fried foods. Why swallow so many pills when you don�t have to? Vitamins can be expensive, while fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are affordable. Hit the produce section of your local grocery store and start eating health today.