Healthy Eating And Asthma

People who suffer from asthma can help control their asthma attacks and limit the amount of attacks by choosing to eat a healthier, specific diet filled with certain types of foods that are known to control the onset of asthma attacks. Foods high in antioxidants can help control asthma attacks because antioxidants help the body fight off environmental pollution and other types of free radicals that can bring on an asthma attack. You can find antioxidants in foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Berries are chock full of antioxidants. An example is blueberries. You can also take certain vitamins that contain antioxidants. Fish oil is another supplement that can help fight off asthma attacks because fish oil works as an anti inflammatory. Fish oil can come in the form of supplements or you can get it directly from eating fish. Supplements that contain glutamine powder can also help treat asthma attacks because glutamine powder treats allergic reactions and helps people recover from allergies by opening up the passageways and allowing air to flow. Apart from these foods and supplements listed above, you can also try the following vitamins and minerals to treat asthma attacks. Vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, vitamin B and folic acid can help treat asthma. Supplements containing these have been proven to allow the bronchial tubes to become relaxed and allow more oxygen through. They also thin out mucus found in the bronchial tubes. You can find magnesium, vitamin B and folic acid in may foods such as green leafy vegetables like broccoli, whole grains such as cereal, fish, red meat and legumes. You can also get these vitamins and minerals in the form of a supplement. If you or someone you know suffers from asthma, then you understand the importance of keeping healthy and active. Your goal is to avoid having to go to the hospital to treat an asthma attack. By modifying your diet with the above tips, you should be able to control you asthma symptoms. If this does not work, consult your doctor. Your may need to take medication.