Stop The Late Eating!

To succeed at weight loss, you'll need to stop eating two, preferably three, hours before going to sleep. You may feel slightly hungry, but that's exactly how I want you to feel. I never want you to feel ravenous when you go to bed at night. But wanting a little something is just fine. When you're trying to lose weight, slipping into bed at night feeling slightly hungry (the British have a perfect word for it - peckish) is actually a good thing. It's your body telling you that what you did that day is working - you're losing body fat. If you don't feel this way, you're probably not losing fat. Start with a cutoff time of two hours before bed; then, as it becomes easier, see if you can stop eating two and a half hours pre-sleep. If you can make it to three hours, even better. This little step can have a big payoff. A large percentage of my clients have found that establishing a cutoff time was all they needed to do to meet their weight loss goals. Others have needed to make additional changes as well, but everybody who quit late-night eating found that it translated into some weight loss. If you want to shed some pounds, go to bed feeling a little peckish. I'm confident that you'll see results.