Lydia Forson Was In The Wrong — A Plus Weighs In

Lydia Forson was assaulted by a security officer during an altercation on Monday, with the actress filming the incident and posting it on social media.

Forson a film crew were on location when the officer came to try to get them to leave, which led to the exchange of words between the duo. 

Forson was insistent during the altercation that she knew her rights and stood her ground, eventually leading to the assault.

Reaction to the video has been mixed, with some praising the actress for her bravery and others saying she overstepped her bounds.

One person obviously holding the latter view is A Plus, who took to Facebook early Tuesday to comment on the incident.

He wrote…

Some people are angry that a security officer prevented Lydia Forson from taking pictures at a particular locations without permission. The same people are angry that some people attacked a police station, killed a police officer and freed 7 suspected criminals. How many of us can go to the American Embassy or even the Togo embassy and take pictures and say “I have the right to hold my phone?”

Which security person will be happy to see people taking pictures at a place where you are not supposed to just 2 days after his colleague was shot and killed at post?
We are the same people who will turn around and post on social media that the laws don’t work. The sad part is that the #fakemediawill not condemn this.

I didn’t even post the video because of the language she used on an officer whose is only doing his job…..