Alarming Trend: Youth Now Inhale Glue And Drink Perfume To Get "High"

The youth have oftentimes been the game changers, trend breakers and or makers when it comes to the latest fashion lifestyle.

But sometimes the "next big thing" or “what’s ‘in’ with the youth these days,” appears alarming and mind-boggling to say the least.

Now the latest fad among the youth in recent times is a potentially fatal act of sniffing glue and drinking perfume to get "high and hyper".

Interesting facts gathered indicates that the most common way of sniffing glue, according to those addicted to the act, is to empty the solvent in a plastic bag and wrap the plastic bag around their mouth and then inhale deeply.

Others also heat the glue and then inhale it.

Now the catch.

The effects of glue sniffing is instant, and people who tend to start using it, invariably get hooked and become addicted.

The “high” you can get from sniffing glue or inhaling other chemicals may cause a temporary sense of euphoria or hallucination. However, these feelings only last a few minutes.

A disturbing investigation piece by PEACE FM’s reporter and Co-Producer of the Morning Show "Kokrokoo", Isaac Oduro, revealed that, most of these youth in their hideout locally known as ‘ghettos’, are gradually adopting the system of inhaling glue and drinking perfumes to get high.

The intake of tramadol which was heavily abused by the youth has been minimize after several education by government and institutions on the effects of the drug – but, Isaac Oduro says this new found abuse is likely to escalate.

Isaac Oduro, who visited some hideouts in the capital, Accra reported that – glue and perfume are “high commodities” in the ghettos.

According to him, ‘ghetto boys’ now prefer glue and perfume to tramodol because “of the feelings after the intake.” Some consider it a way of getting de-stressed or simply passing time as it is very cost effective and is not easy to detect.

"I take weed, I take tramadol, I take hashish (mixture of weed and cordain) and also take other mixtures but when I inhale the glue, it gives me a different level of highness," an addict in his 20s told Mr Oduro.

His shocking investigations reveal that after engaging in the act of sniffing, the individual is infused by a sense of increased energy and will feel as if he or she can do anything; something which was largely corroborated by most of the users.

“When I inhale the glue, I feel like I can carry a building and if I inhale it I can talk anyhow or do anything," one of the abusers confessed. 

The addicts also revealed that “the intake of glue and perfume is popular in Nigerian and Niger”.

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