Ban On Church Services: Eagle Prophet Blasts 'Shameful' Pastors; "Nothing Will Happen"

Prophet Reindolph Oduro Gyebi popularly known as Eagle Prophet, General Overseer of God's Crown Chapel has asked President Akufo-Addo not to pay attention to pastors 'threatening' him to lift the ban on public gathering and allow churches to meet.

President Nana Akufo-Addo placed a ban on all social gatherings including church services, as part of the measures to help prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Churches have, thus, been closed for about a month-and-a-half.

Some pastors have warned of dire consequences should President Akufo-Addo not lift the ban on Public gatherings which has been extended till 31st May, 2020.

But Eagle Prophet is optimistic that nothing will happen.

In an interview on Hello FM, he said: "President Akufo-Addo is doing his best in fighting COVID-19 and so I wonder why these people are doing this. We have to make sure we finish addressing the issue (COVID-19) before opening the church . . . so it is not good to pressurize the government".

According to him, "it is not the wish of the President for the church to be closed and so we must be mindful of our utterances; Some of these pastors are bringing shame to us . . . I can assure you, nothing will happen; we should rather pray for a cure to come out quickly".

Listen to Eagle Prophet in the video below