Free SHS Stories Are Riveting, Touching, Transformation & Inspirational - Dela Coffie

Dela Coffie, an activists of the Opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) has described the flagship free SHS programme by President Akufo Addo’s government as riveting, touching, transformational and inspirational.

According to Dela Coffie, the Free SHS programme is not just about access and equity but quality assurance.

In his facebook page, he stated that; “I know the cynics will discount it, but in my estimation, this is by far the best social intervention ever rolled out by any government.”

 read full statement below;

These #FreeSHS stories are quite riveting, touching, transformational and inspirational. 

It is not just about access and equity but quality assurance.

I know the cynics will discount it, but in my estimation, this is by far the best social intervention ever rolled out by any government.

He who feels it knows it.

These #FreeSHS stories are quite riveting, touching, transformational and inspirational.

It is not just about access...

Posted by Dela Coffie on Sunday, May 24, 2020