Dental Design Smile Provides Confidence Without Breaking the Bank

A smile can speak a thousand words. It is an indicator, a measure if you will, of how things are faring inside you. It’s something we’ve come to regard as a very important part of our physical conduct. While a genuine smile is one we deeply crave, a designed smile is quickly becoming a norm, as it is seen as a sign of confidence. For Dental Design Smile, your smile is their happiness. From innovative formulas to ground-breaking techniques, the clinic is revitalizing the art of smiling.

Composite Resin Veneers

Essentially, the term veneer means a sort of covering. In dentistry, it involves the placement of a layer of material over the teeth to improve oral aesthetics, especially one’s smile. Applying composite resin veneers is a simple procedure that involves affixing resin on your teeth’s outer surface. The composite is matched to your teeth or whitened if needed. Compared to other dental veneers, composite veneers take less time as they can be finished on the day of your visit itself and last 7-10 years.

Porcelain Veneers

 On the other hand, porcelain veneers involve applying thin shell-like sheets made of porcelain that adhere to the outer surface of the tooth. Unlike composite veneers, porcelain veneers can take up to two visits to the dentist. The procedure starts with taking an impression of your tooth which is then sent to the lab. What you receive in the second visit is the final porcelain mold which is then bonded to your teeth. When done by experts, the effects of this procedure can last for up to 15 years and keep your smile bright and clear.

Sinus lifts

When any bone around your sinuses has been lost or needs to be replaced, you might be required to undergo a sinus lift. When performed by experts, this procedure can be an experience you can be thankful for, for the rest of your life.

Root Canal

Among the more dreaded dental procedures, a root canal becomes necessary when the pulp (soft center of the tooth) becomes infected and needs to either be removed or worked on in order to stop the microbes from spreading and causing further pain and damage to the teeth. Dental Design Smile experts are well-equipped to deal with root canal surgeries for all age groups.

Dentistry has evolved in recent years and dentists and surgeons, like those who work at Dental Design Smile are ably aided by avant-garde tech to conduct complex procedures accurately.