It’s Not Only About Fuel, We Considered So Many Things - GPRTU Explains 13% Transport Fare Increment

Ghana Private Roads Transport Union (GPRTU) says the increment of transportation fare was not based on only fuel prices.
The Chairman of the union, Nana Nimako Bresiama told NEAT FM’s morning show ‘Ghana Montie’ that “stakeholders have to dialogue and factor in so many things before concluding on the 13%”.
Effective Saturday, June 5, road transport fares will be increased by 13%.
The new prices will affect all forms of transport including Inter-city (trotro), Intercity (long-distance) and shared taxis.
The union in a statement said the increase is to accommodate the increase in fuel prices announced in May 2021, after long negotiations with stakeholders.
“Upon consultations, government has assured us that it will continue with efforts to prevent a steep rise in input cost.
“Government had also assured as by a letter from the Ministry of Finance that the suspension of the quarterly income tax paid by owners of trotros and taxis will be extended to cover intercity commuter vehicles to reduce the operational cost. We, therefore, encourage government to keep to its commitment in this regard,” the statement read.
Listen to interview