Thomas Amoani: 8As Boy Given Scholarship By Prez Akufo-Addo To School In The UK Tops Entire School in Exam

The 19-year-old boy Thomas Amoani who had 8As in his West Africa Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) and was given a scholarship by President Akufo-Addo to study abroad has made the country proud.

The young boy who had to walk 12 kilometers a day to school during his SHS days is making waves in Brunel University(London) as the best student in his class with the highest score of 100% in their mid-semester examinations.

Thomas is the only student in the entire Brunel University to have a perfect score of 100% in the course Foundation Mathematics for Economics and Finance.

Thomas used the opportunity to express his appreciation to His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo for such a great opportunity he didn’t expect.

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