Our Biggest Problem In Ghana Is Leadership - Martha Ankomah

Ghanaian actress, Martha Ankomah has registered her displeasure over bad governance by the leadership in the country as she compares Ghana to Dubai of United Arab Emirates.

In an interview on Accra FM, Martha Ankomah lamented over the fact that Ghana is heavily endowed with mineral resources like oil and others but the country is still not developing and its citizens are poor meanwhile, Dubai who only has oil has been able to develop its country.

She laments that “if Dubai extracts only oil and has been able to develop its country. And Ghana, God has blessed us with all resources, including oil. And yet, we are poor. Then there is no need for other countries to borrow money from Ghana because it is very worrying.

“Ghana was gifted with everything on earth, but our problem is leadership. And if our leaders are going to change their mindset and have a love for the country, then Ghana would be a better place to be. I feel sad when I see school children under tress learning and MPs drive in V8 sharing goats, chickens and bicycles during elections” she added.

The actress critical thinking actress, therefore, pleaded with government officials, especially lawmakers, to prioritise the country’s needs over personal interests.

“Do something for someone to say this MP worked. He constructed roads, not the MP that did nothing whiles school children are learning under trees. Good name, the Bible says, is better than riches,” she said.