Help Us Flush Out Lotto Fraudsters From The System – NLA Boss Appeals To EOCO

The Director-General of the NLA, Sammi Awuku has appealed to the boss of the Economic and Organized Crimes Office (EOCO), COP Maame Yaa Tiwaa Addo Dankwa to help flush out fraudsters from the NLA system.

According to Mr. Awuku, the NLA and government are losing millions of cedis due to the activities of these lotto fraudsters and by far tarnishing the image of the National Lottery Authority.

Speaking passionately on the matter, Mr. Awuku described how fraudsters have created several Facebook accounts, Whatsapp, and other social media platforms using the logo and pictures of staff at the National Lottery Authority(NLA), and sometimes pictures of other influential persons to defraud the unsuspecting public.

Mr. Awuku made this appeal yesterday, 10th February 2022 when he received a team from EOCO at the fortune house.

On her part, the Executive Director of the Economic and Organised Crime Office, Maame Yaa Tiwaa Addo-Danquah is of the belief that prevention is better than cure, hence EOCO will ensure that strict security measures are put in place as sensitization is also increased amongst the citizens.

She believes that her outfit can play a significant role in ensuring that the fraudulent acts are reduced significantly.