Masjid Hedaya At Gbanyamni In the Northern Region Inaugurated

Throughout history, Muslim communities have always been attached, in one form or another, to the mosque or the masjid as it is known in Arabic.

The masjid was not restricted to being a place of worship, a location for performing rituals or a social and political dimension of the Muslim community. Instead, it has served as a symbol of belonging and identity.

However, some Muslim communities in Ghana sometimes struggle to access good religious facilities, especially ones with clean water and other essential facilities.

Many people are left to walk for miles to reach a neighbouring mosque for Jumu’ah or make due at home by worshiping outside, exposed and vulnerable to the elements.

It is for this reason the Muslim community in Gbanyamni in the Northern Region of Ghana were happy a philanthropist decided to put up a Masjid for them.

The new ultra-modern mosque will provide lasting and sustainable facilities, including an educational center known as the Darul Hedaya Islamic School for the local community.

According to Sheikh Ibrahim Afa-zie, Vice Chairman of the Darul Hedaya Islamic School, “Mosques have become a cornerstone of worship in Islam. Mosques unite our community and each time we enter one, our spirits soar as we feel the presence of God”.

He added that “when you step foot in a Mosque, you have the opportunity to join together with your Islamic community to receive the many blessings of communal worship and Islamic education. We can celebrate our faith together or mourn the loss of loved ones, find strength in our Lord through prayer or seek council on Islamic matters. It is our home away from home”.

He entreated Muslims to be tolerant and live peacefully with each other and follow the Islamic teachings on peace. Also, present at the inauguration, were Chief Imams, Sheikhs and other Islamic Scholars.

According to one of the speakers at the event who spoke on the role of mosques, “throughout Islamic history the mosque, as an institution, played a central role in cultural and social life. The mosque acted as a focal point of all activities based on the importance bestowed upon it by the Prophet Muhammad during his lifetime and the life of his companions thereafter. The distinctiveness of the mosque is linked directly to the worldview of Islam”.

On the importance of building of the mosque, the Northern Regional Chief Imam said; “Worshipers are to feel satisfaction, attain tranquility, acquire mercy and devotion, and release daily worries. People are encouraged to interact with one another on the basis of love, equality, cooperation, and by seeking Allah’s pleasure. Every worshiper attempts to eliminate the selfishness that isolates him or her from others and to reach a level of harmony with the rest of society.”