Attackers Target Church In North-West Nigeria

Three people have died and two others injured after an attack on two churches in Kaduna state, north-west Nigeria.

The state's Commissioner of Internal Security Samuel Aruwan said an unknown number of criminals on motorcycles entered four villages in coordinated attacks robbing people and later targeted Maranatha Baptist and St. Moses Catholic churches.

Mr Aruwan added that several people had also been kidnapped.

“The bandits looted shops and stole some valuables from villages. Police officers are patrolling the area. Investigations are ongoing.” he said in a statement.

Kaduna state acting governor Hadiza Sabuwa Balarabe has condemned the attack and called on the police to speed up their investigations.

Nigeria is struggling to curb a deadly wave of kidnappings for ransom by armed gangs who frequently target unprotected rural communities, schools and motorists on highways.

Earlier this month, attackers targeted a church in the southwest of the country killing 40 people.