Unemployment Rate Growing Faster Than The Economy - Ishmael Yamson

Economist, Dr Ishmael Yamson, has bemoaned the rate at which the unemployment rate in the country keeps shooting up whereas growth of the local economy is rather moving at a tortoise pace.

He described the issue as a serious matter indicating the need for government to check and correct the anomalies.

Dr Yamson also entreated members of political parties to stop politicizing economic matters for the economy to thrive.

Speaking on TV3's Ghana Tonight show on Monday, August 22, 2022, he said, “The unemployment rate is growing faster than the economy, that is not something you should laugh about, that is something you should be very serious. That is why I say we should stop the politicking.”

Meanwhile, the Presidency in a tweet has said the government is trying its best to roll out the YouStart programme, as well as, support the private sector to thrive.

This, the Presidency stated, will increase employment rates in the country which will help boost the local economy.

“Government is determined to support and boost the private sector to increase employment rates in the country through the #YouStart programme, which will result in new businesses championed by the vibrant youth of our country,” the presidency tweeted.