US Warned Against Gay Agenda As Kamala Due In Zambia

Zambia’s main opposition party, Patriotic Front (PF), has expressed concern that the US is "pushing homosexuality agenda" in the southern African country.

PF leader Given Lubinda on Wednesday cited an executive order and a presidential memorandum issued by US President Joe Biden on advancing equality for LGBT people.

"As Patriotic Front, we beseech Zambians not to allow the US to impose its values in Zambia. We must defend ourselves," Mr Lubinda said.

"Since both bilateral relations and foreign assistance of the US are tied to LGBTQ rights, Zambia might have to review its relationship with the US," he added.

He urged Zambians not to "abandon our norms, national values, religious and cultural standing to please the Americans".

The party's remarks come days ahead of the planned visit by US Vice-President Kamala Harris to the country next week.

On 14 March, President Hakainde Hichilema pledged to uphold Zambia’s laws that criminalise homosexuality and termed as falsehoods claims that his government supported gay rights.

During her nine-day tour of Africa that starts on 26 March, Ms Harris is also expected to visit Ghana and Tanzania, where same-sex relations are illegal.

In Uganda, lawmakers on Tuesday approved an anti-gay bill which imposes harsh penalties for anyone who engages in same-sex activity.