LGBTQ+ Brouhaha: Don't We Have Anything Better to Discuss? - Kwesi Pratt

Seasoned Journalist, Kwesi Pratt Jnr. has shared his thoughts on the LGBTQ+ brouhaha.

Discussions about the LGBTQ+ community have arisen following US Vice President, Kamala Harris' visit to Ghana last month.

In a joint press conference between the President of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and the US Vice President, Mrs. Harris emphatically declared his support for the homosexual fraternity but many Ghanaians expected President Nana Addo to counter the US stance by stating categorically that Ghana frowns on homosexuality.

But President Nana Addo has come under intense criticisms for not declaring the country's position.

Revealing to the US Vice President an anti-gay bill being laid before Parliament, President Nana Addo stated; “The bill is going through the Parliament. The attorney general has found it necessary to speak to the committee (the constitutional and legal committee of parliament) about it regarding the constitutionality … of several of its provisions. The parliament is dealing with it. At the end of the process, I will come in.”

The President's response have not sunk well with some Ghanaians and to them, Nana Addo may have soften the country's stance on the anti-LGBTQ bill.

Reacting to the issue during Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" show, Mr. Pratt hoped the nation would stop discussing homosexuality as, to him, it is not worth attention.

He noted that someone's sexual preference doesn't concern him as much as it does if it is about they corrupting the minds of children to adopt their practices.

"How does it concern me if you do it in your room? If you are not going to commit a crime, how does it concern me? If you hide in your room and you are not going to rape anybody, how does it concern me?"

To him, his interest lies with what schools are teaching pupils and students, stressing "what worries me if my grandchildren should go to school and a teacher is to pick a textbook to teach about how to engage in homosexuality. Whether it is homosexual or heterosexual, the children have to be protected. At a certain age, they need not be taught certain things".

Watch Kwesi Pratt below