The True State of The Economy Is Not What Politicians Are Telling Us - Social Activist Kojo Addo

Social Activist, Kojo Asiamah Addo says political parties, mainly the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) and largest opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) are playing with the minds of Ghanaians on the state of Ghana’s economy.
According to him, their explanation of Ghana’s economy is only suiting their living and not the reflection of what most Ghanaians are facing.
Mr Addo told NEAT FM’s morning show, 'Ghana Montie' that the hardship Ghanaians are experiencing in recent times is the true state of Ghana’s economy now.
“People are now struggling to buy fish and kenkey. Things are extremely high. Businesses are struggling because of excessive taxes, that is the state of the economy in which we are in Ghana,” he lamented.
Listen to his full submission below