I Will Transform Ho In My First Term – Aspiring NDC MP Assures

Robert Doh, an aspiring member of parliament (MP) for the Ho Central Constituency in the Volta Region has said he will transform Ho in his first term when given the nod.

Doh was vetted on Tuesday 4 April. He picked the seventh position on the ballot. The aspiring MP for the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) launched his campaign on Thursday 6 April in Ho. He said “I’ll use the first four years to transform Ho.”
Doh stated that he will establish the Asogli state farm. This business will allow yam farmers in Ho Central to cultivate it on a large scale. The predominant occupation in the Asogli Traditional Area is yam farming. The residents celebrate the Yam festival annually.

There are tile mining sites in Klefe and Klave in the Ho municipality. Doh said, he will develop the sites into mechanized ones when he becomes the MP. This will create more jobs for the people.

The aspiring MP has promised to partner with his friends from the USA and UK to establish a sports academy for the youth. This is aimed at helping the youth in sports and entertainment to develop their craft.

Doh said, he will use his “connecting people” initiative to offer jobs to people with the right qualifications. He stated that he will offer scholarship opportunities to brilliant but needy students in the constituency.

The 38-year-old medical doctor has promised to upgrade the deplorable roads and renovate poor public infrastructure.

Doh said he is committed to using the MP’s common fund appropriately. He said the elders and party executives will enjoy his tenure. The medical doctor promises to leave a good legacy.

Mamaga Atrato II, who chaired the ceremony is the queen of Ho Dome. She called on the delegates to vote massively for Doh in May. She said Ho needs a new face and the right person is Doh.

The queen urged women to also go into politics. She prayed for the best for Ho Central.