Archbishop Frimpong Manson Samanhyia Cuts Sod For Construction of Ultramodern Prayer Camp And Orphanage Village (PHOTOS)

Archbishop Frimpong Manson Samanhyia of Reconciliation International has cut sod for the construction of an ultramodern prayer camp and orphanage building for the All Nations Prayer Camp And Orphanage Village (The City Of Light) at DC Bungalow old town, Wiamoase in the Ashanti Region.

According to Archbishop Frimpong Manson Samanhyia, the project will be financed through voluntary contributions and fund raising activities by the church and the community.

The construction of the prayer camp and orphanage village comprises a worship centre and a retreat centre.

In a sermon on the theme “let us rise up and build (Nehemiah 2:18), Archbishop Frimpong Manson Samanhyia urged the church members and the community both home and abroad to give offerings to construct the prayer camp building and orphanage to help the needy.

“I pray to God to open the floodgates of heaven and pour out what is needed into the hands of members for the construction of this project.”

He also appealed to the MCE and the Member of Parliament to help them with street lights, clean water and good roads.

He further urged the youth to be addicted to the Word of God which, he said, is the surest way of succeeding in life.

The program was supported by Chief of staff Madam Frema Opare, who offered water, rice, oil and undisclosed amount for the orphans and Mr John Harris, Director of T. Cribs & funeral services - United Kingdom and Ghana - also sent his support.

Present at the ceremony were the Chief and Queen of Waimoase, Nanahemaa Dokua of Kyebi Mama Effie at Nhyira, friends and family.