NPP Will Be Held Accountable For Their Corrupt Acts - Mahama

The former President of Ghana H.E John Dramani Mahama has described the Akufo-Addo-led NPP government as the most corrupt government in the fourth republic.

According to the former President due to the corrupt act of the NPP government they have the instinctive belief and fear that when the NDC wins power in 2024 they will be held accountable.

He reiterated that it is time for the NPP to go on leave but because they have dug a corruption hole and they are sitting on it, it is very difficult for them to get up for fear of being exposed.

He expressed worry that if the NPP government continues to stay in office or remain in power after the 2024 general elections, Ghana will be in serious crisis.

The former President made the disclosure when he met delegates in Fanteakwa South Constituency.