ECG Retrieves Over GHc 2 Billion From Its Debtors In a Month

The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) has commenced an operation to collect monies owed them from their customers.

The company started its operation on Monday, March 20 and will end on Thursday, April 20, 2023.

The Managing Director of ECG, Samuel Dubik Mahama Esq., in an interview on Peace FM's morning programme "Kokrokoo" revealed the electricity users including government organizations owe the company a whopping sum of 5.7 billion cedis.

Updating the host Kwami Sefa Kayi on the operation, the ECG MD disclosed that the company has so far retrieved over GHC 2 billion from its debtors in a month.

"Right now, we have collected [almost] above 2 billion. We are not done yet," he said.