NDC Kojo Jones MP Ambition In Limbo

The Functional Executive Committee (FEC) of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) is reportedly investigating the qualification of a parliamentary aspirant for the Keta constituency, Emmanuel Jones Mensah.

Per report, Kojo Jones as popularly known had to be a card-bearing member of the party in Ashaiman Constituency.

However, it turned out to be false after some investigations carried out by the party as his name was not found in the official Ashaiman database of the party as of 2018.

This according to report carried by Citi News compelled the FEC at a meeting on Tuesday, April 18 to defer its decision on the eligibility of Emmanuel Jones Mensah, for further probe.

“This was after FEC considered the report of a special committee that has been set up to determine certain special appeals emanating from the decisions of vetting committees of the party. During deliberations on the findings of the special committee by FEC, it became apparent that Mr. Emmanuel Jones Mensah’s name was not in the official Ashaiman database of the party as of 2018”.

“FEC is expected to take a final decision on the eligibility or otherwise of the parliamentary aspirant upon receipt of a report from the party official who is responsible for the maintenance of the database of the party,” the report said.