Prioritize Mental Health Disorders In Ghana - Fmr. Okaikoi North MP To Gov’t

Former NPP Member of Parliament for Okaikoi North, Issah Fuseini has urged government to place premium on treatment and care for people with mental disorders.

Speaking on Peace FM’s “Kokrokoo” show, Mr. Issah Fuseini raised concerns regarding the behaviour of people with mental disorders, particularly those on the streets, and the neglect on the part of government towards this category of people.

He noted there are lots of dangers involved in leaving mental health disorder patients or victims to swamp the streets.

He feared these people may pose a threat or harm innocent people.

To him, the government should give attention to the health needs of these people as well as provide room to rehabilitate them.

As a nation, we must prioritize it and accord this problem the needed maximum attention,” he stressed.