We Shall Vote For Alan For His Good Works, And Ghanaians Will Reward Him - Ashaiman NPP Chairman

In another boost to the political fortunes of Hon Alan Kyerematen in NPP presidential race, the constituency Chairman for Ningo-Prampram, Mr. Alexander Narh-Gbeeku Amano, has openly thrown his support behind him .

The newly elected chairman joined the masses in affirming his unflinching allegiance to the former Trade and Industry Minister, on the third day of his delegates cluster meetings at the campaign grounds in Ningo- Prampram, where delegates from Kpong and Katamanso had also gathered.

"It is with great pleasure and conviction that I stand before you today to endorse a leader who embodies integrity, competence, and a deep commitment to the development of our beloved nation Ghana. I speak of none other than Alan, a man, whose good works have endeared him to the hearts of Ghanaians far and wide", Mr Amanor told the gathering.

He added, "leadership is not a position to be imposed on the citizenry; it is a quality that emerges naturally from individuals who possess the vision and passion to effect positive change. Alan has demonstrated these qualities throughout his illustrious career, both in the private sector and in public service. His unwavering dedication to the betterment of our nation is evident in his numerous achievements and his tireless efforts to uplift the lives of Ghanaians.

"It became clear to me that Alan is not just a politician seeking power; he is a servant leader driven by a genuine desire to make a difference in the lives of ordinary Ghanaians. Alan's track record speaks for itself. As the former Minister of Trade and Industry, he spearheaded initiatives that revitalized our economy, promoted entrepreneurship, and created jobs for our youth. His strategic thinking and visionary approach to governance have earned him accolades both locally and internationally. Alan's ability to bring people together, foster collaboration, and implement sustainable solutions is exactly what our nation needs in these challenging times".

Actions they say speak louder than words, and Alan's actions have resonated deeply with Ghanaians and the party faithfuls from all walks of life, Mr Amanor said to loud cheers from the gathering.

Alan Kyerematen has been hailed by political pundits as the only hope for the New Patriotic Party heading into the 2024 Elections.

His universal affection across the political divide adds to his persona in the political ecosystem.