2024 Election Will Be 'Extremely Difficult' . . . – Nana B

The National Organizer of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), Henry Nana Boakye popularly known as ‘Nana B’ says the 2024 presidential election will not be a walkover for his party.
He admitted it will be tough but maintained that his party will strategically sail through to achieve the infamous ‘break the 8’ agenda.

" . .2024 Election will be extremly difficult, it is going to be the mother of all elections but the NPP will win," he stated.
Nana B who was speaking to NEAT FM’s morning show, 'Ghana Montie' said the NPP is 'well composed' and will not be distracted by the widely circulated leaked tape which plots of some people's desire to remove the Inspector General of Police (IGP) from office before the 2024 election.
In the said viral tape, some individuals in a conversation believed the IGP will be a ‘standing block’ for the NPP to win the 2024 presidential election.
But the NPP’s National Organizer doubts if the respected Police capo will tarnish his hard earned reputation.

"Intelligently, somebody should tell me this is how Dampare will help the NPP win the election, somebody should tell me . . ." he told Kwesi Aboagye.
“I don't see how NPP will win an election with the help of the IGP . . . how is he [The IGP] going to do that?” he questioned.
To him, the police will only be there to ensure law and order on that day.

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