Is Ghana Worth Dying For? - Kwami Sefa Kayi Bemoans C.K Akonnor’s Unpaid Salary

Renowned Journalist and host of Peace FM's morning show 'Kokrokoo', Kwami Sefa Kayi has lamented over the fact that C.K. Akonnor has not been paid two years after being sacked from his position as Black Stars coach.

C.K. Akonnor, who assumed the role in 2020 on a two-year contract with a salary of $25,000 per month, was dismissed with four months remaining on his agreement, entitling him to a total of $100,000 in unpaid wages.

According to Graphic Sports, Akonnor was also owed $175,000 for seven months prior to his dismissal, bringing the total outstanding amount to $275,000.

There's however, no indication from the Ghana Football Association (GFA) or the Sports Ministry as to when the money will be paid.

Speaking to this during Monday's edition of his show, Kwami Sefa Kayi bemoaned the delay in payment questioning: "Is Ghana worth dying for?"

Listen to him in the video below