How Can You Attack Bawumia After Endorsing Him? - Nana Akomea Hits Back At Ken Agyapong

Nana Akomea has replied Assin Central Member of Parliament, Kennedy Agyapong on his tirade at Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia as they both pitch their campaigns ahead of the NPP presidential race.

Kennedy Agyapong, during his campaign tour in Kintampo East on Sunday, July 16, 2023, registered his displeasure with the depreciation of the Cedi under the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia government and also slammed the government for going to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for a bailout.

The Assin Central MP raged against this move stating that those who will take the NPP to the IMF cannot be the same faces that will lead the party to break the eight.

This, he said, to tell delegates of the NPP to vote against the Vice President who is one of his main contenders in the party's impending primary.

"We will have troubles if we don't do a clean campaign because I will reply to every claim made against me. You call yourself a strategist but when we were taking over power the dollar was GH¢4, today one dollar is GH¢12 and yet you call yourself a strategist," he fired at the Veep.

Nana Akomea, responding to these statements by Kennedy Agyapong, alluded to the latter's previous comments endorsing Dr. Bawumia as the best leader for the New Patriotic Party.

The STC boss gave a flashback to what Mr. Agyapong said concerning the Veep, quoting him as saying "I will vote Bawumia as candidate if he is elected because I have worked with him in this government and I have seen that he is competent and capable of doing it. I'm not going to vote for him for the fact that he is a Northerner. That is rubbish" and referred to this publication on Ghanaweb.

He, therefore, slammed Kennedy Agyapong for turning back to lambast Dr. Bawumia.

"You have to be consistent," he replied the Assin Central MP.

He added; "Principles are principles...If it is your belief, it's your belief. It shouldn't depend on where you stand or not."

Nana Akomea made these submissions on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" show.