UCC To Honour Opoku Prempeh on July 29 After Bagging Earlier Honours From UEW & UPSA

If anyone thought that the plaudits of former Education Minister, current Energy Minister and Member of Parliament for Manhyia South were near over, those expectations have gone south.

It certainly appears that, with the benefit of time, his exceptional leadership and dedicated service during his time in the education sector continues to speak for itself.

Afterall, our elders say that it is after the death of the frog that its actual length is determined.

Death in this context signifies the end of Dr. Prempeh’s tenure as Minister responsible for education from 2017 to 2021.

Popularly called "Napo", the former Education Minister’s approval ratings continue to soar every day and so when the University of Education, Winneba, decided to confer on him an Honorary Doctorate Degree in May, 2021, many people including members of the academic discourse community across the length and breadth of the country had no doubt that he deserved the honour for his impeccable performance and dedication to the affairs of humanity.  

Similarly, in July 2021, the University of Professional Studies conferred on the Energy Minister an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters (DHL) for his significant contributions to the promotion of quality education in the country.

It is important to note that the citations presented to Dr. Prempeh on these two momentous occasions catalogued the exceptional leadership qualities and the enormous roles that he played when he served as the Education Minister which led to the successful implementation of the flagship Free Senior High School (FSHS) policy and other novel initiatives.

For any watcher of the academic space, it is certainly cannot be a walk in the park for public Universities to confer on active politicians, honours, given the dynamics of the political landscape of our country.

Yet, Napo received honorary doctorates from the governing councils of these two major public Universities in a space of two months.

Matthew Opoku Prempeh’s leadership acumen certainly is beyond the politics of our country.

It can be said that most of his admirers come from the other side of the political divide.

As lonely as leadership seems sometimes, he leads with such finesse.

The governing Council of the University of Cape Coast also, with the full benefit of time and perhaps, after a comprehensive appraisal of the tenure of Opoku Prempeh has decided to confer on him an honorary degree "in recognition of his distinguished service to the University of Cape Coast, Ghana and the International Community and outstanding pioneering role worthy of emulation”.

According to the University, it has an established tradition to recognize men and women with record of distinguished service to the University and Ghana as well as persons with outstanding contributions to the advancement of knowledge.

The event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, July 29, 2023 at the University of Cape Coast.

Given the nature of Dr. Prempeh and his submission to the things of the divine, he is expected at this august gathering like the previous ones to give God all the glory, affirming his popular statement where he attributed his outstanding performance to a magic wand called “GOD.

After his tenure as Energy Minister when his stewardship has been evaluated, I have no doubt that the story will be no different.

Congratulations, Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh. Your fiercest critics in the fullness of time have eaten humble pies. Keep leading Ohenenana, Oheneba!