Prez Akufo-Addo Accepts Cecilia Dapaah's Resignation

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has accepted the resignation of Hon. Cecilia Abena Dapaah.


The Minister for Sanitation and Water Resources announced her resignation in a letter on Saturday, July 22, 2023.

This follows a court case in which two house helps and others are standing trial for allegedly stealing $1 million, €300,000 and millions of cedis from her Ablekuma residence.

This took Ghanaians by surprise especially the fact that a Minister of State had such an amount stashed in her house.

According to Madam Dapaah, the media reports since July 21, 2022 “have been full of stories about a court case involving a theft that took place last year in the home I live with my husband and daughter. The stories sought to suggest that I own various huge sums of foreign currencies and millions of Ghana cedis which have been stolen from my home.

“Whereas I can state emphatically that those figures do not represent correctly what my husband and I reported to the Police, I am very much aware of the import of such stories around someone in my position.”

“I am resigning therefore, because I do not want this matter to become a preoccupation of government and a hindrance to the work of government at such a crucial time,” she explained.


In response, President Akufo-Addo applauded Hon. Cecilia Dapaah’s loyalty to the image and standing of his Government, and thanked her also for her wholehearted contribution and devotion to the progress of Government and the Nation. He wished her the best in all her endeavours.

Meanwhile, the President will soon appoint a new Minister for Sanitation and Water Resources.