Thank Archbishop Agyinasare For Helping You To Rebrand Your Community - Abeiku Santana To Nogokpo Traditional Leaders

Broadcaster Abeiku Santana says the traditional leaders of Nogokpo in the Volta Region must applaud Archbishop Charles Agyinasare over his sermon that courted controversies about the community being the headquarters of witchcraft.

According to Abeiku Santana, the Archbishop's comments regarding the Nogokpo community which infuriated the leaders have rather helped the community in their image building and branding.

He noted that hitherto Archbishop Agyinasare's statements, Nogokpo had earned a bad name but the incident with the Archbishop gave them a unique opportunity to clarify issues concerning the community to the nation and the world.

"They took advantage of the statements or the remarks by the Archbishop and marketed themselves that we don't kill people; we are not a bad people as others think but rather we adjudicate matters. We ensure truth and justice. This is the first time, officially, that we saw a representative coming from the area that this is what they do.

"So, to them, the Archbishop even helped them a lot to brand and sell their destination that they have a religious festival. That they have a traditional religion which is an alternative to our justice judiciary system," he said on UTV's entertainment show "United Showbiz".

He stressed; "They should commend the Archbishop because he's helped them a lot."