Police Hunt Cargo Vehicles Attackers

The police are pursuing some criminals who attacked two cargo vehicles in Anyinamso No. 1 in the Ashanti Region leading to the death of a driver.

The incident caused the death of one individual.

The suspects, according to the Police, were able to flee into a nearby forest with GHC2,000 and three mobile phones during the attack, when a Police patrol team chanced on them.

According to reports, the cargo vehicles were transporting goods from the Kumasi Central Market when the attack occurred.

The robbers are said to have ambushed the vehicles, and in the process, shot at the drivers.

The police, upon arriving at the scene, chased after the suspects but were unable to apprehend them.
An intense search is ongoing with the hope of finding the suspects and bringing them to justice.

The deceased has been identified as Kwesi Agyeman, a driver of one of the cargo vehicles. Agyeman was shot in the chest and died on the spot.

The police are urging anyone who may have information about the suspects or saw anything suspicious around the time of the attack to come forward and report to the nearest police station.
They also urged transport companies to be vigilant and employ security measures to ensure the safety of their drivers and cargo.

This incident has left the residents of Anyinamso No.1 and surrounding communities in fear, and they are calling on the authorities to increase security measures in the area to prevent similar occurrences in the future.