No More Cocoa Smuggling In Ghana, "Catch & Share" Begins - Bryan Acheampong Declares

Agriculture Minister, Bryan Acheampong says he intends making cocoa smuggling in Ghana an unattractive venture.

According to him, his Ministry has devised better ways to incentivize cocoa farmers and dealers, believing this initiative will put paid to cocoa smuggling.

He revealed in an interview with Kwami Sefa Kayi on Peace FM's morning show "Kokrokoo" that the Ministry has launched an operation dubbed "Catch and Share" where people are encouraged to be on watch for smugglers on the borders and report them for a handsome reward.

With this operation, he explained, informants who report the smugglers will receive a 50% share of the cocoa seeds.

He also indicated that the Ministry has made pricing of cocoa much affordable compared to competitors in neighbouring countries.

"...we have given a much better price, competitive price, probably much better prices than our neighbours. So, there is no incentive to smuggle but if you dare to still want to smuggle, then we will intensify our catch and share operation", he stated.