Your 'Lazy Man's' Picketing Will End Nowhere! - Allotey Jacobs Slams 'Kindergarten' Minority

Former NDC Central Regional Chairman, Bernard Allotey Jacobs says the Minority in Parliament's threat to picket Bank of Ghana if the Governors fail to heed their call to resign within 21 days will "end nowhere".

He likened the Minority to "kindergartens" while reacting to the matter during Peace FM's Wednesday edition of "Kokrokoo" show.

The Minority caucus says they will picket the Central Bank after their 21-day ultimatum if the Governor, Dr. Ernest Addison and his deputies remain at post.

They accuse Dr. Addison of mismanaging the Bank of Ghana, causing the bank to lose over 60 billion cedis.

"We in the National Democratic Congress (NDC) saw the red flags and have consistently warned of the mismanagement of the financial sector by the Governor of the Central Bank and his team of incompetent deputies.

"Only last week, the Annual Report and Financial Statement of the Bank of Ghana was released. This report depicted the catastrophic decline of the Bank into a bottomless pit. The report revealed the following astonishing facts...Bank of Ghana recorded a staggering loss of GHS60.8 billion, which is equivalent to $6 billion...twice the amount we are to receive from our recent IMF bailout. 

"This means the recklessness and mismanagement of the Governor of the Bank of Ghana has cost the nation twice what we are struggling and sacrificing to receive from the IMF amid major conditionalities," Minority Leader, Ato Forson said during an event dubbed "Moment of Truth" held by the NDC on Tuesday, August 8.

Allotey Jacobs, in response, says "I disagree with this picketing. It will end nowhere!...This is a lazy man's work".

He questioned the authority of the Minority to demand Dr. Addison and his deputies should step down.

"Do they have the power to remove the Governor of Bank of Ghana?...Do they have power to appoint and disappoint? Who appoints the Governor of Bank of Ghana?", he queried.

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