Verna Water Recommended to Ex-President Kufuor

Ex-President Kuffour commends Twellium Industries' Transformative Impact on Industry and Society.

Former Ghanaian President, John Kufuor, graciously welcomed Twellium Industries Limited, the renowned producers of Verna Mineral Water, Mcberry Biscuits, and Cakes, to his residence in Aburi on the 10th of August, 2023.

The occasion saw the Marketing Director, Mr. Ali Ajami alongside his team, paying a cordial visit to his Excellency.

During the interaction, Mr. Kufuor expressed his commendation, stating, "I want to express my
heartfelt congratulations to Twellium Industries Ltd for its contribution to the growth of the
manufacturing sector in Ghana. It is, indeed heart warming that the company has within the period
of 10 years made such tremendous impact on the growth of the economy and the lives of our
Ghanian people”.

Mr. Ali Ajami underscored the company's remarkable reach. Products such as Mcberry Biscuits and
Cakes have transcended national borders, finding their way to more than 10 countries across West

This expansion has resulted in a noteworthy reduction in the importation of these commodities. This accomplishment has firmly established Ghana's reputation for producing high quality goods on the international stage.

It is noteworthy that Twellium Industries Limited boasts prestigious certifications, namely ISO and
HACCP, underscoring the company's unwavering commitment to adhering to internationally
recognized standards.

This commitment has also translated into substantial socioeconomic benefits for the nation. Through its factories situated in Accra and Kumasi, Twellium Industries Limited has extended gainful employment opportunities to over 10,000 families, thereby contributing significantly to the country's workforce.

A decade of dedicated manufacturing has propelled Twellium Industries Limited to an influential
position within the Ghanaian and West African markets. The sustained impact of products such as
Mcberry Cakes and Mcberry Biscuits, as well as Verna Mineral Water, Rush Energy drink is
emblematic of the company's dedication to quality and innovation.

Mr. Ali Ajami, the Marketing Director, particularly emphasized the health benefits of Verna Mineral
Water to the ex-President. He highlighted its low sodium content, which aligns seamlessly with the
former leader's pursuit of maintaining a health-conscious diet.

The ex-President reciprocated the sentiment by expressing his appreciation for Twellium products and their contribution to the John Kufuor foundation.

In conclusion, the ex-President thoughtfully shared Mcberry breakfast cereal with a group of young
visitors who had graced his residence. This warm gesture served as a reflection of the values that
Twellium Industries Limited and its products epitomize—community, sharing, and goodwill.

The visit of Twellium Industries Limited's Marketing Director and team to former President John
Kufuor's residence epitomized a significant convergence of achievements, dedication to quality, and
recognition of the company's impactful presence in Ghana and beyond.

This event undoubtedly serves as a testament to Twellium's remarkable journey and its pivotal role in shaping the industrial landscape of the nation.