Agyinasare/Nogokpo Clash: You're Beyond This...Let It Go! - Aplus Tells Archbishop Agyinasare

Musician cum entertainment pundit, Kwame Aplus has called for a ceasefire between Archbishop Charles Agyinasare, the General Overseer of Perez Chapel, and the traditional leaders of Nogokpo in the Volta Region.

Speaking on UTV's "United Showbiz" on Saturday, Aplus urged the Archbishop to "let this go" emphasizing he feels "he is beyond this. I feel where he has been and the people that have passed through him and all the achievements, I feel he has gone beyond this. He has to let this go".

He admonished Archbishop Agyinasare to restrain from making further remarks in relation to the Nogokpo threat and also advised the Nogokpo traditional leaders to let bygones be bygones, stressing "they have to forget about this issue. They should end this...Case closed!"