Coup D'état: 'Don't Send Ghanaian Soldiers to Niger' - Kabila Tells Prez Akufo-Addo

James Kwabena Bomfeh has called on President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to halt every preparatory mobilisation he is making towards deploying Ghanaian soldiers for an ECOWAS military intervention in Niger.

A military junta seized power in Niger on July 26, 2023.

Leaders of ECOWAS, two days ago, indicated they had agreed to deploy a "standby" military force in Niger.

The former CPP General Secretary, James Kwabena Bomfeh alias 'Kabila', noted that the constitution of Ghana vehemently frowns on coup d'états and that any nation, particularly in West Africa, that embraces coup d'état is an enemy of Ghana.

"Anyone who takes arms to topple a government, at that point in moment, is at war with Ghana due to our vow to our constitution to uphold democracy."

He added; "There is no example of a coup d'état that has improved the lives of the people in any West African country. None! In fact, the evidence to the contrary is that every coup d'état that happens in West Africa ends up with the orchestrators committing 10 times the crime for which they engaged in the coup."

Kabila however advised the President to opt for diplomatic dialogues to resolve the military takeover in Niger.

"Sending troops to Niger should be the last resort", he said while discussing the Niger coup on Peace FM's 'Kokrokoo'.

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